Electronic Payments

If you sell solutions to entities that facilitate electronic payments (POS, on-line, mobile, etc…), BlueStar™ provides robust, value-added electronics payments solutions featuring a fully functioning Key Injection Facility (KIF) with P2PE Certification.

We enable our partners to have a competitive advantage through complete solutions, including hardware, software (ISVs), KIF and payment processors.

We pride ourselves on bringing the reseller and ISO community the best-in-breed hardware, software, world class education and value-added services to help drive incremental new business. Let us show you how the power of complete, secure solutions, backed by the industry’s most effective services can make your business more efficient while innovative end-user demand programs lift your business to new levels.


Read "The Var Guide to Key Injection" Now!





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1-859-371-4423 ex. 3430

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