Maintain process accuracy while optimizing your MTM
BlueStar's diverse portfolio offers unparalleled access to premium products and services that drive business growth and success. From state-of-the-art hardware to advanced software solutions, our portfolio is designed to empower businesses with the tools they need to thrive in today's competitive landscape.
Our vertical-based content focuses on different industry technologies, solutions, and insights.
A true VAD offers top-notch pick, pack and ship services, and provides programs and services that add value to the distributed products that increase their value or worth.
The BlueStar DifferenceIntegrate your workforce into your digitized supply chain with our wearables and software solutions
Manufacturing warehouses are both blessed and besieged. Customer demand, driven by omni-channel marketing, is accelerating, Once predictable variables, such as the array of products and parts, supply chains, and ship-to’s are now off the charts.
Customer demand requires customer satisfaction to turn this all into profitability. The only option is for warehouses to become significantly more productivity, which is measured in both speed and accuracy.
We believe that the best opportunity to drive serious increases in productivity is on the shop floor - the individual worker and the tools and technology for barcode scanning, the one operation that is integral to every process. Workers need next-generation tools and technology - tools that are ergonomic, faster, and more accurate; technology that eases the burden on IT and provides new insights on how to optimize processes and work- flows.
Customer satisfaction depends on the warehouse meeting all its OTIF obligations, all the time, over all obstacles. Growth and profitability depend on it. ProGlove’s vision and innovation are the keys that unlock the vision and make it real.
ProGlove solutions make it possible to keep your digital processes across the warehouse connected and keeps it easy to prepare and ship products to your customers.
Every second counts while working in small areas with different tools and parts. Whether discrete workstations or at a line, ProGlove assists your operators to work process compliant with the essential information on each assembly task at hand.
Flexibility is critical for keeping up with the logistics of any production operation. ProGlove’s wearable scanners make it possible to easily transition between different processes and start scanning into a different workstation.
Maintain process accuracy while optimizing your MTM
The scanner adapts to the process needs.
Safety first-ergonomics with full dexterity
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