Mobility for your environment
Untethered process steps
BlueStar's diverse portfolio offers unparalleled access to premium products and services that drive business growth and success. From state-of-the-art hardware to advanced software solutions, our portfolio is designed to empower businesses with the tools they need to thrive in today's competitive landscape.
Our vertical-based content focuses on different industry technologies, solutions, and insights.
A true VAD offers top-notch pick, pack and ship services, and provides programs and services that add value to the distributed products that increase their value or worth.
The BlueStar DifferenceRetail has changed dramatically, and continues to evolve. Warehouses and distribution centers must keep pace.
One thing that hasn’t changed is the mantra, “The customer is always right.” It’s everything else that is different. There are more products and greater demand. Supply chains are more expensive and more unpredictable.
Another thing that hasn’t changed is that the warehouse is at the center of everything. It is essential that they evolve and adapt.
There are three main areas where the warehouse and the distribution center play a pivotal role.
For easy inventory management, maximizing your staff’s freedom of movement can be helpful to quickly restock inventory from carriers and boxes onto the shelves. ProGlove wearables ensure full dexterity and the lightweight comfort enables higher scan speeds compared to other wearable scanners.
Dealing with customer returns is an inevitable part of retail. ProGlove helps to create well-organized workspaces so you can process returns quickly and efficiently.
ProGlove helps retailers and eCommerce shop owners to streamline their processes for preparing shipments by unveiling process knowledge through ProGlove Insight and speeding up logistics tasks with wearable scanner solutions.
When stores become half-time warehouses, your staff needs tools that help to get the job done without distractions. With the most lightweight, compact design for a wearable scanner with a display, your employees can verify the order and prepare the items for pickup in no time.
Untethered process steps
Quick scan times and less errors through instant feedback
Comfortable form fit for all day wear
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