Featured Products
For businesses of all size

Nicelabel Cloud
For single-site, smaller businesses
NiceLabel’s Label Cloud is the simplest, yet most comprehensive, cloud labeling solution on the market. It helps businesses of all sizes manage labeling, from label design to print and every step in between.
Why Label Cloud?
- Be up and running in minutes with minimal IT resources
- Simply design labels from any computer in any location
- Securely store and manage labels and data in the cloud
- Integrate labeling with your product data
- Easily scale printing across your business
- Pay on subscription and lower your TCO
Product Benefits
- Easily design barcode labels in minutes
- Centrally store your labels and access them from anywhere
- Guarantee accuracy by integrating with your product data
- Easily scale printing across your business
Download Nicelabel Cloud ebook Download Cloud for Dummies ebook
Label Management System
For growing and multi-site businesses
- Powerful solution that manages the entire labeling process
- Start with one location and expand to multiple locations
- Designed to grow as your business needs to expand
- Flexible options to integrate with key business systems
Product Benefits
- Eliminates HW, SW and database infrastructure costs
- Removes the need to install, monitor and manage
- Speeds implementation, rollout and scale
- Simplifies upgrades to new versions
- Leverages advanced cloud technology
- Reduces total cost of ownership
Business Account Management Team
859-371-4423 Ext: 3311