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Our Valued Suppliers

BlueStar stocks, markets, and ships the top equipment manufacturers in rugged mobile computing, scanning, barcode, label, and receipt printer, self-service, digital signage, RFID, and edge compute. 

Vendor Partner Programs

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Channel Acceleration Program for Software Companies

Software companies join TEConnect to grow your business through vendor and value-added reseller partnerships

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We Carry the Top Hardware Vendors

Our product line spans from mobile computing, industrial and desktop printing, mobile and traditional point of sale, RFID, digital signage, networking, and more.


We Offer Lines of Credit to Resellers

To enable our partners to land dream projects, our special financing team will extend credit to qualifying companies so they can deliver first and pay second.


We Custom Configure + Drop Ship

Our full-service technical team can pre-install, configure, and accommodate custom packaging requests to ensure your end-customer install goes smoothly.

Become a Reseller

Complete the form below and a BlueStar Account Executive will contact you with more information.