
Elo is a leading retail systems provider of touch interactive experiences with over 25 million installations. As the original inventors of touch screen technology, we have over 50 years of retail market experience, providing customers, like you, a proven, high-quality, long-life, product designed for years of reliable use around the clock.

Touch-enabled solutions from Elo help improve the buyer experience and optimize operations across leading retailers around the world. In-store systems we have recently introduced will help accelerate your Mobile POS and Omni Channel retail initiatives.

The benefits of touch computing have expanded well beyond increasing check out throughput and accelerating new associate training. Leading retailers are collaborating with Elo to create, innovate and develop new retail offerings and interactive brand experiences, including: mobile point of service, customer guided shopping, interactive digital signage, customer facing displays, virtual stores and associates and improved Omni channel reach.

We are professional retail, built for touch: 

  • Breadth: Spanning Mobile Retail Terminal to 65" Interactive digital signage
  • Professional Grade: Premium components you can trust, built to last.
  • Long Life: Extended availability to embrace your standardization and refresh cycles.
  • Flexible: The largest portfolio of touch systems, supported by a full suite of integrated drivers and color-matched, field-installable peripherals.
  • Global Reach: World-wide availability to support global deployments.
  • Software Support: Elo invests in certifications for leading store software providers.

Download Self-Service Use Case (PDF)