Women In Technology

BlueStar’s Women In Technology (WIT) group was founded in 2013 with the goal of connecting women across the channel.  Successful women inspire others around them to succeed, and it is no different with women in the technology industry.  

By recognizing the collective power of women in the IT industry, we are able to build stronger relationships and realize dynamic growth across all parts of the channel. WIT provides the forum for professional women in our channel to focus on helping one another in positive partnerships in a venue that focuses on helping women thrive in their business and personal lives.  

Throughout the year, BlueStar will highlight women in our channel via the WIT CONNECTS Series on VARTECH Nation.  This is a great way to gain insight into how some women have overcome the unique challenges faced on the road to success. If you would like to feature someone on WIT CONNECTS, please email us at mblau(at)bluestarinc.com stating why that person has inspired you or overcome challenges in our channel.  We also encourage you to connect with us on Linkedin


WIT Logo
  • Elo
  • Epson logo
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  • Zebra Partner Empower