
BlueStar Wireless Activation Program


There are 3 key features of mobility solutions

  • Software
  • Hardware
  • Wireless Connectivity

If you're selling mobility solutions and not offering wireless activation, you're leaving money on the table. Make sure you're offering customers the complete solution with wireless connectivity.

Why Register an Activation with BlueStar™?

  • BlueStar can activate devices on two major U.S. carriers (T-Mobile and Verizon)
  • One stop Value Added Distributor for your Mobility and Wireless solutions
  • BlueStar understands Mobility and Wireless Solutions like no other
  • Get paid upfront for each device activated
  • BlueStar has simplified the process. We will be with you throughout the process
  • Activate any mobile computer or wireless routers, even if purchased elsewhere or if it is already in the field

Supported Carriers

MVP Vendors

  • Epson logo
  • honeywell.jpgneywell.jpg
  • SATO