Key Injections Service

Electronic Transaction Services

BlueStar offers complete electronic transaction services solution including key injection, form loads, hardware, ISV partnerships and more. Our key injection facility is carefully constructed and fully validated to configure and deploy secure payment devices for implementation. When it comes to POS and electronic transaction service, we offer more solutions to make your business efficient and competitive.

Secure Facility

BlueStar's state-of-the-art key injection facility follows strict PCI- and industry-related regulations regarding facility security, regular and rigorous audits and internal upgrades, in order to guarantee the highest quality products. Our secure facility is designed and maintained to protect devices and sensitive equipment 24/7 with restricted access control and camera surveillance, to protect your solutions throughout the entire key injection process.

Exceed PCI Requirements

The financial transaction industry is constantly shifting to provide more secure, more reliable services. Because of this, BlueStar adapts quickly and stays involved in ISO and ANSI standards to better educate our partners and staff on the regulations related to financial transaction security. We provide continuing education for our encryption services staff, ensuring they stay up-to-date on all changes or updates to Visa/Master Card requirements for compliant KIFs. This continued education also equips our staff with the best tools to better aid our partners, and execute the most secure injection procedures available.

Key Injection

We offer a TR-39/PCI PIN and Point-to-Point encryption (P2PE) certified key injection. Avoid working with multiple partners and shipping product to multiple locations – we can inject keys to your payment terminals with rapid turn-around.

P2PE Key Generation

BlueStar's key injection facility can generate encrypted keys for each device in accordance with PCI requirements. With this availability, BlueStar's KIF facility is one of a short list of industry leaders certified for P2PE protection.

Chain of Custody

BlueStar maintains a holistic chain of custody from receipt of the product to deployment. Our records take stock of every product's serial number so the device can be audited and tracked throughout the entire process. These records are available to our customers as well, so they can be used later in their own solution.

Hardware Partners

BlueStar™ distributes payment terminals from every major manufacturer in the payments space. What's more, we can integrate payments into a complete solution, with all components delivered and operational to your specification for easy installation.

Our Experts

Our most prized asset is our employees and our DNA fosters an environment to provide superior customer service. The results are a tenured team of experts our partners leverage every day to make more impactful decisions which expedites business growth.
1-859-371-4423 ex. 3430

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